Education System in Pakistan


Education in Pakistan is overseen by the Federal Ministry of Education and the provisional governments; whereas the federal government mostly assists in curriculum development, accreditation and in the financing of  research and development. Article 25-A of constitution of Pakistan obligates the state to provide free and compulsory quality education to children of the age group 3 to 16 years." The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be determined by the law".

The Education system in Pakistan is generally divided into six levels: Primary education( for the age from 2.5 to 5 years); primary (grades one through five ); middle (grades six through eight); high (grades nine and ten, leading to the secondary school certificate of SSC); Intermediate (grades eleven to twelve, leading to a higher secondary (school) certificate of HSC); and University programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees.


Process of learning is called education and education is the basic right of every person. A nation can be strong with educated citizens. Education plays a vital role in the progress of any nation and is responsible for its advancement towards success.

Pakistan is ranked 113th out of 120 registered UN members according to the research conducted by UNESCO. The government of Pakistan is responsible for providing free and compulsory education to Pakistanis.

Issues of Pakistan Education System:

Pakistan is amongst those countries which are going through many problems of education. There are many flaws in the current education system of Pakistan and need to be resolved. In Pakistan, educational system doesn't meet international standards.
The main problem is inequality between public and private education sector of Pakistan. From the last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private schools which have caused discrimination among students. Regional disparity is another problem. Students who learn in private schools are more knowledgeable than students of government schools.

Schools of Baluchistan are not as groomed as that of Punjab. Technical education also has not been focused in education policy. Technical education is not given to that level which is required. Educational funds are very low. All these issues lead to a high illiteracy rate in Pakistan.

Solutions for Educational system in Pakistan:

Government has to take solid steps to remove flaws in our educational system. First of all government should focus on the educational funds. There should be same syllabus in all Provinces of Pakistan so that students not have to face discrimination at University level. The standard of primary and secondary level should be raised. Government schools should be at the same level as there are private schools.

Technical education must be given to all the classes. Workshops must be arranged for all the teachers. poverty should be removed so that parents can give excellent higher education to their children. There should be removal of gender inequality as in rural areas of Pakistan many people think that women should not be given education. Its not their right, government should take steps against their thinking so that women can gain education equally and can take part in the development of the country. If our education system will improve then our country can be prosperous and economically strong.

admishin links of top uni in pakistan and usa

admishin links of top uni in pakistan and usa
1 numul 
2 comsat
3 iqra
5 lums
6 top 10
8 first
9 sec
10 third
11 lahore
12 islamabad
13 karachi
14. peshawar
15  abtabd
16 new bahria
17 old cmpss
18 deprtmnts
19 engi
20 medi
21 sse
22 cse

Adulteration of Food in Pakistan and steps to prevent food adulteration

Food Adulteration:

In our country adulteration has become a curse for the society. No one can defend it. There is hardly any food product which is not adulterated. The shopkeepers and the merchants try to earn a large amount of profit by this unethical practice.
In this way, they play with the life and health of the people. They mix inferior and dangerous things in the daily eatable things. Nothing is now safe at their hands. Even the medicines and drugs are adulterated. We do not get petrol, atta, ghee, oil, salt, and milk free from impurity. These merchants and traders are the enemy of the nation. They should know that our religion Islam has hatred for those who indulge in this immoral business. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said " The adulterators are not one of us". We give the following proposals to overcome this social evil.

1. The adulterators should be punished severely.
2. An anti adulteration drive should be started in the country.
The mass media should be used to highlight the names of adultertators. 

Current Situation of Food Adulteration:

The complicity of the Food Department officials is contributing to the proliferation of adulterated food items in the metropolitan, source claim. Majority of the adulterated products are sold at small shops, small restaurants and hotels and by roadside vendors because of their high profit margin. 
Sources claim that adulterators are not scared of any legal or punitive action due to various loopholes in the existing laws, while those arrested or fined are quickly released on bail.
Price hike in daily-use items, increase in demand and the practice of associating certain edible items with socials status also encourage the adulterators to market their products.

Effects on Health:

     Food adulteration can cause immediate effect on human health. Diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting are such type of effects. Tamarind and date seed powder mixed with coffee powder can cause diarrhea. Adulteration on bakery items and dairy products may have tremendous effects on a child’s health. Such as cream-filled foods, cereal, cream sauces causes increased salivation, abdominal cramp, vomiting, prostration etc. Improperly processed milk and canned meat may cause food poisoning and abdominal pain. Vegetables and fish mixed with formalin and other type of chemicals which are used to keep the food fresh are injurious to health. Unhygienic meat and meat products can cause food infection usually with fever and chills. These are the immediate effect of food adulteration on public health.

There are also many long term effects of food adulteration besides immediate effect. A research shows that adulterated Chinese food may be an interrupt to a child’s mental development.

Prevention of food Adulteration:

Some steps should be taken by people so, they can enjoy a healthful life;

The step is that people should chart out their time table in festive season; to manage out time to prepare sweets at home and should not buy ready-made adulterated food. Because, food aduterators would be not able to sell their adulterated food; when there will be no demand for them.

other step should be taken by Government;

Yes, second step Government need to take; to stop food adulterators, from making such adulterated food; by making some strong law, which penalize the food adulterator. And, Government should run food inspection in shops, to check and stop food adulteration; so that no food adulterators do the food adulteration. And, if anybody, found red handed doing food adulteration; then, that person should be given punishment, for his crime of food adulteration. It would be warning for those, who are not caught red handed.

SEO TIPS 2016 Sit-ins and their Impacts and Effects on Civil Rights Movements


A form of nonviolent protest, employed during the 1960s in the civil rights movement and later in the movement against the Vietnam War. Sit-in were not a new civil right technique. But in 1960s they helped energize the civil rights movement. Although a passive technique in nature, sit-ins caused real change to occur. The impact sit-ins had on the civil rights movement proved to be invaluable to changing policies and norms in the 1960s. 


"A form of protest in which demonstrator occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met".


In the early 1940s, the congress of Racial Equality (CORE) successfully used sit-ins to desegregate public facilities, in Chicago primarily. Howard University students also had success in 1944 when they used the sit-in tactic to desegregate a cafeteria in Washington, D.C. These incidents were more isolated, however.

The four students in North Carolina sparked a wave of additional sit-ins throughout the south and set the stage for the creation of a new organization that quickly gained momentum within the civil rights movement:the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee(SNCC).

The sit-in tactic helped integrate other facilities. By August 1961, an estimated 70,000 people had participated in sit-ins across the country (more than 30,000 of these were arrested). One of the most important results of these actions was that students from across the country became active participants in the civil right movement.

Effects of Sit-ins And present condition in Pakistan:

"The current protests have paralyzed our economy. Direct losses to the economy have reached up to Rs 800 billion while indirect losses have amounted to several hundred billions," according to a statement of Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir.

The political impasse caused by the sit-ins of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Awami Tehreek, have caused a loss of Rs 800 billion to the economy- a figure that may further unnerve the investors-said a government official.

Imran Khan-led PTI and Tahirul Qadris PAT have staged sit-ins since Independence Day in hopes of getting Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to resign.
However, so far, talks have remained deadlocked between the opposition and the government.

The Commerce Ministry has not attributed the estimates to any official source but said that these estimates were worked out by "experts". Usually the Ministry of Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs is the responsible ministry to give such estimates.

The minister stated that the devaluation of rupee against the US dollar and the constantly fluctuating exchange rate have increased Pakistan's external debt by Rs 350 billions. Before the political crisis struck the country, the rupee-dollar parity was Rs98.7 to a dollar that has now gone over Rs 101 to a dollar.

As of end June, Pakistan's external debt stood at Rs 4.8 trillion or $48.6 billion, higher by Rs480 billion or 11.2% over the previous year's Rs4.3 trillion. The rupee depreciated by Rs4.4 to a dollar. By this account, the country's external debt in terms of rupee increased by Rs 213 billion in the last two weeks-a figure that is Rs 137 billion less than the official claim.

The development of country is largely effected by these protests; Cancellation of a visit by Sri Lankan president before casting doubt on the planned arrival of the Chinese head of state.

The nature of the Chinese president's visit is as high-profile as it gets and the slightest of reshuffling in plans would strengthen hands of those international forces that do not want to see close ties between Pakistan and China. Furthermore, Chinese president is set to visit India, which could be interpreted as further isolation for Pakistan. Due to these the international image of Pakistan has considerably been shattered.

So, these all protests and violation activities need to be stopped that it really harmful for the economy.

Child Labor ( A Major issue in an Economy)


Child labor is the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood  , interferes with their ability to attend regular School, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.

What is Child Labor?

Child Labor is work that harms children or keeps them from attending school. Around the World and in the US growing gaps between rich and poor in recent decades have forced millions of young children out of School and into work. The International Labor Organization estimates that 215 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous, or extremely exploitative. Underage children work at all sort of jobs around the world usually because they and their families are extremely poor. Large number of children work in commercial agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, mining and domestic service.

Causes And Effects of Child Labor:  

The main causes of Child labor includes poverty, unemployment, and excess population. People of poor families have a large number of children but very low income so, they cannot meet their expenses. As a result they make their small children source of income. Among these poverty is a primary cause of child labor. They make their children to work in factories, shops, Even selling items on streets. Some parents even carry infants on streets to Earn money from begging. There are many cases of child labor where a child has to work against the repayment of  a loan which was taken by his father who was unable to pay it off. This is called a bonded child labor. This kind of labor normally happens in the villages. Many of children work like slaves in order to pay the loan taken.

There are very bad effects of child labor for our society, which forces some children to steal things from others in order to satisfy their daily living. Many small girls are even made indulge in prostitution. A recent case of child labor came into picture where a 10 years old kid was beaten to death because the innocent kid was slow at things. The cruel owner went angry and threw the child across the room resulting in the most extreme punishments. It was not only the cruel owner who was at the fault, but the parents of the child were also equally involves in this incident. They took 10$ in advance and sent their child to work for the sake of getting monthly income. May be the parents would never have thought that a little sum of money could lead to such an horrible incident. 
The various Organizations which are fighting against child labor by helping children imparting education among that part of society from where majority of the child labor comes. Poor families should be given knowledge about family planning/control so that they are not burdened by children.

So the Major causes and effects of child labor are due to;

.Poverty and over Population

.Lack of Education

.Cut back production costs

.Apathy by the Government

.Women are denied formal education

.Migrating from Rural to Urban areas

To put an end of socio-economic problem, the government must target the root causes namely poverty, unemployment among adults, and take measures to control population growth. Steps must be taken to educate ignorant people from poorer sections about the benefits of education so that children are not deprived of their right to go to school, and they can turn into civilized adults, get decent jobs, and contribute to the economic growth of the nation.

International Child Labor Laws:

. A number of laws contain provisions prohibiting child labor, or regulating the working conditions of children. The most important laws are;

. The factories Act 1934. 
. The West Pakistan Shops and Establishments Ordinance 1969.
. The employment of children act 1991.
. The bonded labor system Abolition Act 1992.
. The Punjab compulsory education Act 1994.

Global Warming: A hot environmental topic..

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect. The impact of global warming can be seen in sea level, crops, rainfall, and human health.

What causes Global Warming?

Massive deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, industrial emissions, etc. have resulted to an increase in green-house gases around earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse-gases trap Sun rays in the earth's atmosphere causing the temperature to rise resulting in what is known as global warming.

The heat would have otherwise released if the greenhouse-gases were not present in such huge quantity. The warming of atmosphere due to the presence of greenhouse-gases is called greenhouse effect.

Global Warming:Facts, Causes & Effects.

Global Warming is a term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate. There is great debate among many people, and sometimes in the news, on whether global warming is real(some call it hoax). But climate scientists looking at the data and facts agree the planet is warming. While many view the effects of global warming to be more substantial and more rapidly occurring than others do, the scientists consensus on climate changes related to global warming is that the average temperature of the Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 degree C over the past 100 years. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global warming that has occurred over the past 50 years. Scientists from intergovernmental panel on climate carrying out global warming research have recently predicted that average global temperatures could increase between 1.4 and 5.8 degree C by the year 2100. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events.

Terrorism and its Impact on Pakistan's Economy

1. Introduction

Terrorism is a curse. Since the start of Anti-terror campaigns, an overall sense of uncertainty has prevailed in the country. It has emerged in different countries for different reasons to accomplish, but the cases behind their inception were identical such as poverty, unemployment, injustice, corruption etc But still the question arises that What are the factors responsible for boosting terrorism? What are the impacts of terrorism on Pakistan's Economy? Pakistan have to take effective steps to expunge the terrorism by ensuring justice, promoting education, rising employment opportunities and development of channel of communication.

What is Terrorism?

Terrorism is a art of demanding at own prescribed rules from the any government or authority. However, it is believed that so far not any single definition is came into light through majority consensus. Islam is not a origin of terrorism, it is mere a propaganda by the western media. If we look back into history, we found from 1941-1948, 249 terrorist acts are recorded which are committed by Jewish Organization notably "Stunt Gangs"followed by Ignor and Hegna.

Causes of Terrorism:

Pakistan as a developing countries faced serious problems since its inception and some of them sow their dragon teeth in the soil of Pakistan to give birth to terrorism, such as;

Growing poverty affects the whole nation to cause terrorism. Population of Pakistan is 168.23 million by 2009, out of this 35-50% of population lives below the poverty line. In rural areas people do not have to eat two alternatives to meet their basic needs.

Corruption and injustice started rising since 1947 and did not stop, still rising above the maturity. Pakistan stays at 42nd position in the worlds providing justice and establishing sound departments. Injustice irks the society in scores to go for alternatives.

Unemployment and ineffective quota system does not meet both ends. Lack of employment encouraged Kalashnikov culture in affected areas and people divert their support from government to Taliban.

The major factor behind terrorism in Pakistan is declining standard of education and its implementation. Due to improper setup in rural areas, students were not benefited with education. In Pakistan there are only 51 Universities mostly erected in Urban areas.

Impacts of Terrorism on Pakistan's Economy:

Terrorism has greatly affected the foreign investment in Pakistan. Foreign investment is decline to $910.20 million from $1.4 billion in FY 08-09. Dye to decline in investment poverty and unemployment rises. Poverty have reached to 41.4% from 37.5% in 2008-09. Due to unstoppable terrorism acts in Pakistan world bank has blocked two lending key loans of worth $820 Million till the conditions ameliorate to the paradigm.

Similarly, Terrorism increases the expensive of the forces to meet their needs to fight against terrorism. Pakistan has received total disbursement of $11,998 million from US under Coalition Support Fund (CSF), out of this amount $3,129 million were economic related aid amounted to $8,869 million.

furthermore, terrorism also promoted smuggling in Pakistan, due to porous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan smuggling becomes the source of culprits and expedients for terrorists to wash their hands from it to meet their financial needs. According to US-Pak business council report 2009, Pakistan is prime victim of Afghanistan's instability and due to which Pakistan economy has so far suffered directly or in directly huge loss of $35 billion.


Terrorism is a great hurdle in our economic prosperity, political stability, geo-strategic sustainability and energy security. Pakistan has to delink every source that strengthen terrorism aim to destabilize and crippled the economy of Pakistan. Pakistan has already faced huge decline in investments, foreign exchange, trade and privatization. Pakistan has to uproot the plant of terrorism before this plant of causalities, bombings, and hatred sought its enough roots to become a tree of hell.
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